The Internet

In this day and age it is difficult to remember life before the Internet. In a period of less than ten years, the Internet grew from literal obscurity to a household name. Corporations, who were cautious at first, are now struggling to avoid being left behind. Companies are investing billions of dollars into this booming new marketing medium in hopes of generating stock prices that have never been seen before. more...

What Is the Internet?

The ability to network computers together is something that has been available for the past four decades. It wasn’t until the mid-1980s that attempts were made at connecting many computers from multiple countries together into one large network. The most successful attempt at this became what is now called, The Internet. The Internet started out as a United States Defense Department research tool in the early seventies for communicating between certain universities (like Stanford) that had Defense Department research programs and military facilities. The number of universities connected grew until the government pulled out in 1994 and made the Internet public. more...

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